At dawn’s first light, my heart beats fast,
As journey’s call arrives at last.
To horse I ride, not beast but wheel,
With steady frame and spokes of steel.
My helm I don, both firm and light,
To shield my brow in course or fight.
A chain I check, both taut and true,
That pedals strong ‘neath skies of blue.
The badges bound around my chest,
For windswept plains, a fitting vest.
With gloves for grip, so firm and sure,
To steer me through the paths obscure.
A satchel small upon my frame,
With flask and bread to stoke the flame.
A map, a light to pierce the night,
And tools to mend in fading light.
My boots are bound, both stout and fleet,
To press upon the pedals’ beat.
And gears that gleam in morning sun,
Prepared for miles ’til day is done.
So forth I go, my wheels to roam,
Through distant woods and far from home.
The road ahead, both fierce and wide,
With strength and wheel, I shall abide.
For every trail, each hill to mount,
In open air my joy I found,
An adventurer bold, so now declared,
my cycling steed, my way prepared.

Oil on canvas
1050 x 850mm